When I read this article in his timeline, I was touched by his honesty and integrity. In integrity there are no big or little things. In fact, integrity is mostly about little things.

I am amazed, well quite amused too, of his story—the one he posted in his FB wall. That story shows he is not after the convenience his looks bring him. He could have grabbed a number of opportunities and be at better convenient situations. However, he is more concerned about how he could be a light to the people in queues and how others will be led to God—even in petty things. 

I thought of putting his story in our alumni blog so that many alumni will be reached and be inspired to emulate his example by being honest, however small and unimportant that thing is.

Pastor Norberto Pamisa is an alumnus of the School of Theology batch 1994. He is married to former Miss Jeany Lobiano, an alumna of the School of Business. They are blessed with two smart boys, Nikko Jay, 4th year Civil Engineering, and Joash Neil, grade 12 at Adventist Academy-Cebu. At present, Pastor Pamisa is serving Central Philippine Union Conference as Stewardship/Plan Giving & Trust Services Director. Indeed, he is living what he teaches about stewardship, even in little things. Praise the Lord, Pastor! Keep up the good work.

Let’s read his story.

I was waiting to board going home when finally flashing on the flight monitor of the airport came the announcement that the aircraft was already accepting guests for boarding. As usual I was witnessing a long queue of people rushing towards the boarding gate—as if not everyone would be accommodated for the flight. I got up from where I was sitting a little later than anyone else. I stood at the tail end of the line.

Later, I heard someone say, “Sir, you can go ahead!” I thought he was calling for somebody else, but he was looking at me and repeated his sigh and said, “Sir, senior? Go ahead.” I smiled and thanked him for the kind gesture. I was thinking that he understood that I still needed four more years to enjoy the privilege he was granting me. Still, he insisted that I should go first until his companion told him I may not be a “senior” yet. I indeed look older than my age and this kind of look could have given me privileges that I should be enjoying years ahead yet.

That was not the first time I was mistakenly given such a privilege. I could have taken advantage of that profile assumption, especially on long lines of buying travel tickets and privileged accommodations, but I never yielded to that trivial temptation.

The question is, “Will I compromise the principle of honesty by lying in exchange for such privilege?” Am I exchanging the promised “Eternal Life” for temporal comfort?

Well, many petty temptations may come our way, and what will be tragic is when we yield to them. Remember, “There is no such thing as small sin because there is no little God to ignore it.” Integrity is and will always be the best policy!